We left Annapolis the day after Memorial Day & headed north, under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, past Ft. McHenry & ended up in Baltimore a couple hours later. We docked downtown at the Inner Harbor Marina, right across from the old schooner, Constitution. Beautiful backdrop for Tally-Ho. After checking out the sites with Dylan & Dugan we had great old friends from our horsey days in northern Virginia (Stephanie, Andrew, Cathy & Arnold) on board for drinks & dinner. The next morning we headed to the mouth of the Chesapeake & took the C&D Canal across to the mouth of the Delaware Bay, stopping overnight at the Summit Point Yacht Club half way. The next day it was on to Cape May where we visited our old friend Curtis & his partner, Will. Curtis gave us a tour of all his projects in Cape May & we caught up over a delicious dinner at his hotel, The Virginia. We were docked right downtown by the old fishing boats. Great area. Check out the photo of Captain Alan docking the boat along the boardwalk. The next day was a long one as we decided 1/2 way to push on to New York City.